Meet Alex Stynes
Alex has taken up the gauntlet and stepped confidently into Paul’s shoes this Autumn. Joining us from a local distribution company of a similar fleet size, Alex brings with him a proven track record of excellent etiquette and client liaison, coupled with a steadfast reliability for getting a solution together - whatever the challenge. We’re delighted to have Alex joining [...]
Getting married in Montreux
Every so often we like to share some details of an unusual project to show what we get up to away from the day-to-day trips, and in September we enjoyed a couple of weeks out on the edge of the fabulous Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Three 45ft trailers full of wedding tech, drape, set, stage, rigging, and catering went out [...]
Fleet Update
JT EventTruck have flown the MAN flag since we bought our first truck in 2009. On average we add two vehicles a year to our fleet, and at the end of 2016 our vehicle count across the size range is twelve; big enough to service larger multiple truck contracts, but still with some small vehicles to do the “tacho-free” journeys. [...]
Meet Paul Lambert
We start the New Year welcoming event logistics professional Paul Lambert to our team as Operations Manager. Paul brings with him an outstanding catalogue of contacts and international experience, both out on the road and co-ordinating from the office… We’ll keep you up to date with the exciting projects Paul is working on over the coming months, but in the [...]
A winter visit to Malta
While everyone else planned festive events back on home turf, Mark took one of our ever-popular 12T rigids out to Malta for a three day conference in the iconic Corinthia Hotel. Regular clients Chameleon were delighted with driver Mark’s assistance on site, and not a little envious when his hotel room turned out to be more luxurious than most of [...]
Turnkey Touring Solutions
Jason Donovan hit the road once again for a string of UK winter dates, providing a 45ft trailer full of production to touring PM TLC Music. Our event production arm Entertec supplied the complete PA and lighting inventory, and veteran driver Micky “Pies” Byrne took the wheel once more, delivering the “Ten Good Reasons & Greatest Hits” tour to eight [...]